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Glaucoma is increase of the pressure of the fluid within the eye. Eye has a rigid globe and inside the globe there is fluid. This is called aqueous humor. This fluid is secreted and also reabsorbed at a balanced rate. This maintains the pressure within the eye. When there is an imbalance in the rate of re- absorption of the fluid then pressure inside the eye starts building up. This is called glaucoma.
In the initial phases, glaucoma is asymptomatic. And can be detected by an eye surgeon by evaluation. However in the later stages the peripheral vision is affected more than the central vision, Herein the patient says that he has blurring of vision or distortion of vision. He may also see halos around bright lights. Associated with headache and eye ache and difficulty in reading and near vision. Significant loss of vision and blindness is the end result of untreated cases of POAG (primary open angle glaucoma).
This measures the pressure within the eye, after local anaesthesia the cornea is pressed by a probe to assess the pressure of the eye.
Eye drop- prescription eye drops can be given, they increase the out flo
This mesasures the thickness of the anterior cornea.
This assesses the preipheral vision of the patient. And can map the peripheral vision of the patient.
OCT optical coherence tomography is a test which provides information regarding the Retina. This is the screen on which the eye forms its image.
Generally the treatment includes eye drop, medication and surgery.
1) Eye drop – prescription eye drop can be given, they increase the out flow of the fluid in the eye, helping to reduce the eye pressure.
2) Surgery Trabeculectomy – a tiny opening is created in the top of the eye, under the eyelid. This allows the extra fluid in the eye to drain away. The operation takes less than an hour, is done under local anesthesia and patient can goes home the same day.
It can take 2 to 6 weeks for the eye to recover from trabeculectomy.
Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressure of the eye. As pressure is a measure of force per area, IOP is measurement involving the magnitude of the force exerted by the aqueous humor on the internal surface area of the anterior eye.
A growth that starts on the clear tissue of the eye that can spread to the cornea. Vision can also get affected if the pterygium affects the cornea. Its is a web shaped growth into the conjunctiva (the transparent area over the white sclera of the eye).
Its non cancerous the triangular growth may occur on one or both eyes. It’s more common in people who spend a lot of time in the sun, such as those who work outdoors.
it can be diagnosed by slit lamp examination from your eye doctor. In some cases, the growth has to be removed and later examined under microscope.
Surgery is the only permanent cure for pterygium. It is done when the pterygium ia advancing into the cornea. Surgically this pterygium is removed and patient can return to normal vision.
A slow-growing, inflammatory lump in the tear gland of the eyelid.
A chalazion is most common in adults between the ages of 30 to 50 who also have rosacea or blepharitis.
You’ll usually see an ophthalmologist or an optometrist if you have a chalazion. If history and examination are consistent, no further workup is required.
A lasting chalazion needs to be removed by a doctor. It includes a small incision to drain or an injection of Steroid to reduce the inflammation and swelling.
The surgical incision should heal in about 7 to 10 days.
A dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a surgery that creats a new path for tears to drain between yor eyes and your nose.. You may need this surgery if your tear duct has become blocked.
A dacryocystectomy (DCT) is a surgical procedure to remove the lacrimal sac. This sac is located at the junction of the tear duct and tim nose. The lacrimal sac stores tears that are produced by the lacrimal gland, Tears drain from the eye through the tear duct and into the lacrimal sac.
A tear duct is a small tube that drains tears from the byes, Tears are made in glands under the eyelids, they wash over the eyes to keep them moist-ond clean or other hand you can say.